
Introduction of R408A Refrigerant

r408a refrigerant

R408A refrigerant is a temporary substitute for the transformation of medium and low temperature commercial refrigeration systems. It can be used in household air conditioners, commercial refrigeration, central air conditioners, large centrifugal compressor chillers, etc.

Introduction of R408A refrigerant

R408A mixed refrigerant is a mixture of R22, R125, R143a. It is a colorless gas at normal temperature and a colorless transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is a substitute for R502.

R408A refrigerant is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) option designed to replace the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant R-502. R-502 is commonly used in older systems with limited condensing capacity and in low and medium-temperature commercial refrigeration systems used in supermarkets but is now being phased out under the Montreal Protocol. R408A refrigerant is an effective retrofit option for such equipment.

Use of R408A refrigerant

Household air conditioners, commercial refrigeration, central air conditioners, large centrifugal compressor chillers, etc.

Specification of R408A refrigerant

Composition 46% R143a / 7% R125 / 47% R22
CAS NO. 354-33-6/420-46-2/75-45-6
Molecular Weight 87g/mol
Critical temperature 83℃
Critical pressure 4.3MPa
Boiling Pint -44.4℃
Ozonosphere Damage Potency (ODP) 0.02
Global Warming Potency (GWP) 3260


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