
Introduction of R513A Refrigerant

r513a refrigerant

R513A refrigerant has zero ozone destruction potential (ODP) and low global warming potential, and is used to replace R134a refrigerant in air conditioners or medium temperature commercial refrigeration systems (including direct expansion and centrifugal machines). Whether it is a new system installation or an existing system retrofit, R513A refrigerant has energy efficiency comparable to R134a refrigerant, which can achieve the best balance of high energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Advantages of R513A refrigerant

  • Significantly lower GWP 573 – 56% compared to R134a
  • No impact of stratospheric ozone
  • Non-toxic and non-flammable (ASHRAE Class A1)

Parameters of R513A refrigerant

Composition 56% R1234yf / 44% R134a
CAS NO. R1234yf: 754-12-1, R134a: 811-97-2
Molecular Weight 108.4
Critical temperature 97℃
Critical pressure 38 bar
Boiling Pint -29℃
Ozonosphere Damage Potency (ODP) 0
Global Warming Potency (GWP) 631


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