Introduction and Application of R152a Refrigerant
- August 18, 2022
- Fonsum

As an alternative to CFC, R152a is used in refrigerants, foaming agents, aerosol propellants (such as hair sprays, air fresheners, pesticides, etc. used as aerosols and propellants), cooling agents, and in a variety of The main raw material for mixed refrigerants. R152a refrigerant is also used as an intermediate in organic synthesis to prepare vinylidene fluoride, which is the main industrial raw material for polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and fluoroelastomers.
R152a Refrigerant Packaging Specifications
Disposable Cylinder: 10kg (22lbs)
Refillable Cylinders: 400L, 800L, 926L
ISO Tanks
R152a Refrigerant Application Field
R152a is generally mixed with other refrigerants and is widely used in refrigeration systems. It can be used as an aerosol dispersant, low-temperature solvent, foaming agent, aerosol propellant, and the main raw material of polyvinylidene fluoride.
Storage and Transportation of R152a (Safety Class A2)
Cylinders are pressure vessels and should be stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse, avoid direct sunlight exposure, and keep away from fire and heat sources. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment.
The safety helmet on the cylinder must be worn when the cylinder is transported. The cylinders are generally placed flat, and the mouths of the cylinders should be in the same direction, and should not cross; the height should not exceed the guardrail of the vehicle and be fastened with triangular wooden pads to prevent rolling. When handling, it should be lightly loaded and unloaded to prevent extrusion, collision, and damage to accessories such as cylinders and valves.
Technical Specification of R152a Refrigerant
- Name: R-152a, HFC-152a, Freon-152a
- Chinese name: 1,1-difluoroethane
- English full name: 1,1-difluoroethane
- CAS Number: 75-37-6
- Molecular formula: CHF2CH3
- Molecular weight: 66
- Standard boiling point: -24℃
- Critical temperature: 113℃
- Critical pressure: 4.5MPa (absolute pressure)
- Critical density: 368kg/m3
- Freezing point: -117℃
- Density: 0.9583g/cm3
- Ozonosphere Damage Potency ODP: 0
- Global Warming Potency GWP: 2.8
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