Blowing Agent

R141B Refrigerant

r141b netural


R141B refrigerant is a highly purified liquid, widely used in cleaning and solvent field. One-tenth ODP of CFC113 to the destruction of the ozonosphere was recommended as an ideal substitute for replacing R11 and R113.

Physical Property

Molecular Formula CH3CFCL2
Molecular Weight 116.9
Liquid density(30℃) 1.227g/cm³
Boiling Point(℃) 32.1℃
Critical temperature 210.2℃
Critical pressure 4.34Mpa
Evaporation potential at B.P. 366.5KJ/Kg
Ozonosphere Damage Potency-ODP 0.01
Global Warming Potency-GWP 630

Quality Standard

Appearance non-color, no sediment
Odor non-odor
Purity ≧99.80%
Water ≦0.005%
Acidity ≦0.0001%
Residue on evaporation ≦0.01%

Packing Information

Packing Type Specificaitons
Disposable Cylinder 13.6KG
Steel Drum 30KG / 40KG / 250KG
ISO-Tank 16000

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